When we intentionally plan to lean into these four pillars, we can create simple practices that are with us day in and day out regardless of the challenges we face on any given day. This starts with a morning routine which is informed by an evening routine. You can decide which feels better, to begin with.
How we enter the day is an essential component to our wellness and it doesn’t have to be perfect or complicated. In fact, it may take some time to get used to doing. AND, you can always reset! The most essential element is to practice gratitude upon rising. Literally say THANK YOU for waking up.
If something else comes to mind, like UGHHHH I don’t want to get up, just notice that and come back to being grateful for your life simply being here. Take a deep breath and go back to THANK YOU. If you choose to hit snooze, that’s fine, when you come back to waking take another deep breath and express your gratitude for life again.
Try this waking manta:
Thank you for this day. I am grateful for my life and I know that my presence on the earth is a miracle. Whatever happens today, I know I will be able to handle it. Take an inventory of your body and breathe love and compassion to any areas that need it. I LOVE a 60 second stretch (3 breaths) and then drink a glass of water that you left for your self the night before. Try this for 3 days and see how you feel.
I know we have all heard that shutting down electronics is critical and that is true. Aim to put away all screens away at least 30 minutes before you go to be. Your sleep hygiene is key to preparing yourself for rest. As you wash your face and brush your teeth, use the time as meditation in movement.
If you like to shower at night, that can be very helpful in unwinding. I LOVE to dry brush at night and take a warm shower, then apply lavender lotion. What ever process you do, be mindful of how it makes you feel and grateful and loving to yourself.
Self-love is an absolute game-changer for optimizing wellness!
Begin to think of carving out these quick, simple morning and evening practices as foundational elements even on weekends, holidays, travel and vacations. There is more that can be done that I will share, but this is a great start!
Ahhhhh…rest sounds so good!
Many times, we feel so tired during the day but when we hit the sheets, our minds keep us from truly resting. Sleeping well can feel so elusive but adjusting our sleep practices can be accomplished and will have a MAJOR impact on health. Rest also means setting boundaries and learning to listen to your body.